Online Therapist Locators
Before you start looking for a therapist you may want to review the type of therapists that can treat Borderline Personality Disorder and the different types of treatment care that are available for people with BPD.
DBT CLINICAL RESOURCE DIRECTORY is a list of teams with at least one member who has completed the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Intensive Training™ through Behavioral Technology. DBT is considered one of the Most effective therapies used to treat BPPD.
PSYCHOLOGY TODAY THERAPIST LOCATOR is a comprehensive list of therapists that can be sorted by state, zip code, and by disorder. When you get to the listings for your area you can look at the list on the left and choose Borderline Personality Disorder from the drop-down under “Issues:”. Then you can refine your search by picking a type of therapy e.g. DBT or CBT, from the drop-down under “Treatment Orientation”.
Read more about BPD

At what age can a person be diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder?