Residential Treatment Centers
Borderline Personality Disorder video clip is from TREATING BPD
Here is a listing of Residential Centers that provide treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder. They are listed by geographic location.
This list of BPD residential treatment centers is based on information provided on their websites. This list should only be used as a potential starting point in your investigation of residential treatment centers.
This list has been compiled using the search terms including Borderline Personality Disorder Residential Treatment Centers or BPD Residential Treatment Centers or DBT Residential Treatment Centers.
Before making a decision about the residential treatment center that is the best fit for you, or your love one, you should review Questions to Ask when you are looking for a BPD treatment center, the Types of Treatment Care available for a person with Borderline Personality Disorder, and the type of Therapists who treat BPD.
West, United States
Midwest, United States
Southwest, United States
Northeast, United States
Southeast, United States

Skyland Trail is a nonprofit mental health treatment organization. The goal of DBT treatment at Skyland Trail is to help clients develop practical strategies to cope with intense emotions so that they can prevent repeat hospitalizations, practice healthy coping skills, and build trusting relationships with therapists. Adult clients with a primary mood, thought or anxiety disorder and a co-occurring borderline personality disorder (BPD) often are admitted to our residential dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) program.By definition, you cannot be diagnosed with borderline personality disorder until you are an adult. Therefore, Skyland Trail does not offer adolescent treatment programs for borderline personality disorder.
CooperRiis, Mill Spring NC
The treatment of personality disorders — long-term patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaviors that are unstable and inflexible personality characteristics that often hinder a person in specific ways — is always ‘person’ first at CooperRiis. For a resident with a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder, our partnership might focus on emotional regulation. Practices that support emotional regulation, such as mindfulness, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), personal therapy, yoga, and structured work. We support individuals of all backgrounds and identities and LGBTQIA+ affirming.
Hillside, Atlanta GA
AT Hillside we focus on treating children and adolescents ages 10 to 18 with behavioral and emotional issues. Our residential clients are housed in seven different cottages, based on their age, gender, and clinical fit. Six of the cottages accommodate female and non-binary clients from ages 10 to 18 and one cottage accommodates male and non-binary clients ages 13-18. Our primary modality of treatment is DBT. Our goal is to teach long-term life strategies to empower the clients and families. Hillside is DBT-Linehan Board of Certification, Certified Program™.
Sheppard Pratt, Baltimore MD
Our treatment for personality disorders heavily focuses on both psychodynamic psychotherapy and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) – approaches that are proven to be effective in helping people suffering from personality disorders find a path forward. We help residents learn and implement the specific skills they need to manage difficult emotions and not act on them in unhealthy, or even dangerous, ways. Personality disorders impact people from all walks of life. We specialize in helping those who have not seen satisfactory results from traditional therapeutic programs thrive.
Lifeskills South Florida, Deerfield Beach FL
Lifeskills South Florida offers evidence-based treatment modalities, such as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). Our treatment program offers hope, healing, and a healthy lifestyle for all residents. Clients live in fully furnished townhomes that are professionally staffed 24 hours a day. This realistic, home-like setting allows residents to adapt their new coping skills within the local community and to daily routines while taking part in the therapeutic process.
New Listing
THIRA Health, Bellevue WA
THIRA’s Adolescent Residential Program for 13-17 year old girls and gender non-conforming individuals provides comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy 24 hours a day in a supportive environment. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) has emerged as a beacon of hope for those grappling with emotional dysregulation, self-destructive behaviors, and borderline personality disorder. The THIRA clinical team, informed by decades of experience in the areas of depression, anxiety, self-harm, and eating disorders uses proven treatment methods built on a foundation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy to treat the unique needs of individuals so they can lead fulfilling and rewarding lives.

Our ultimate goal is to have young adults live an independent life in the real world, and at OPI we believe that needs to start as soon as possible. Optimum Performance Institute goal is to help participants learn to regulate their emotions in real life situations. This is accomplished within our environment by utilizing comprehensive DBT and a proven array of Mindfulness Techniques which together become part of one’s daily routine. OPI Intensive, a specialized program within the Optimum Performance Institute, is a program for young adults struggling with emotion regulation challenges, such as borderline personality disorder.

At Clearview Women’s Center our expertise allows us to provide you the treatment we know will help you to develop a life worth living. Dialectical Behavior Therapy is the foundation of our treatment program which was specifically created to treat women struggling with Borderline Personality Disorder and BPD traits. Our expertly trained DBT therapists provide individualized and specialized treatment in a calming, safe setting, giving you a secure place to begin, and complete, your recovery.
Bridges To Recovery, Beverly Hills CA
In Bridges to Recovery specializes in diagnosing and treating complex psychiatric and emotional issues such as borderline personality disorder. We provide compassionate and effective care in a serene setting so clients can focus on their treatment and recovery without the worries of external pressures and stressors.

At Rose Hill Center, we focus on helping individuals re-establish stability and self-esteem. During your time in our Residential Rehabilitation Program, you’ll acquire the necessary tools to overcome the symptoms of mental health disorders, build life skills and achieve a positive future. Our compassionate professionals believe that no one is defined by their personality disorder. Despite your struggles, our compassionate professionals don’t believe that personality disorders define you. We also have DBT trained staff, which makes it easy to talk to people for support when you need it.
rBrightQuest Treatment Center, Nashville TN
In our treatment for borderline personality disorder program, BrightQuest experts will comprehensively treat all BPD symptoms, along with any co-occurring disorders. Backed by years of experience helping individuals cope with this condition, BrightQuest Treatment Center develops fully individualized and highly structured recovery plans for borderline personality disorder.

McLean’s adolescent dialectical behavior therapy programs, collectively known as 3East is ideal for adolescents and young adults seeking Borderline Personality Disorder treatment. The programs in 3East are specifically designed to accommodate patients in different phases of the treatment and recovery process, from highly focused residential treatment to outpatient care. Our compassionate, multidisciplinary clinicians have chosen to specialize in working with this patient population and are dedicated to treating young people to address their individual challenges to help them make positive changes in their lives.

The Gunderson Residence at McLean offers highly specialized approaches for women over 21 with severe personality disorders and co-occurring psychiatric conditions such as substance use, eating disorders, depression, or anxiety. The treatment program at McLean integrates dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), mentalization-based treatment (MBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and illness education. The residence specializes in care for individuals who have previously been through several treatment programs as well as those who are seeking treatment for the first time. Women come to the Gunderson Residence from across the country and all over the world.

Silver Hill Hospital treats teens and adults. The Transitional Living Program is a highly structured, intensive program. It is right for you if you do not need close inpatient supervision, but are not able to manage successfully in an outpatient setting. Our program focuses on the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder with Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). We designed it to help you with emotional control, impulsivity, self-damaging behaviors and interpersonal disorganization. You reside on the Silver Hill campus in a house where you “live” the skills and coping strategies you are learning, as you learn them.

At Riggs, the whole person is the focus of the treatment. Our treatment approach centers on intensive psychodynamic psychotherapy four times a week with a doctoral-level therapist, exploring your lived experiences to identify patterns and the potential impact of losses or other adverse experiences that may be outside your awareness but that influence your decision making. To augment regular psychotherapy sessions, medication might be part of the treatment for borderline personality disorder at Riggs. Family is often part of the social context in which symptoms of borderline personality disorder may emerge.
Questions to ask when looking for a Treatment Center
Is the center licensed as a mental health facility?
• Who are they licensed by-state, county, etc.
• For what purpose are they licensed
• Date of most recent licensing
How many years has the agency been actively treating persons with BPD?
What treatment approach for BPD do they use?
• Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
• Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
• Psychoanalytic Treatment
• Psychodynamic
• Mentalization (MBT)
• Transference Focused Therapy (TFP)
• General Psychiatric Management
• Medication Management
• Other
What forms of therapy offered?
• individual therapy
• group
• family
• residential
• medication
How often is each form of therapy offered per week?
What kind of training has the staff had to specifically treat persons with BPD? • By whom
What is the maximum number of clients in program(s)?
What is the number of staff and their disciplines and level of education?
What is the client/staff ratio?
Facilities and Services
What are the criteria for admission to the program?
Who provides the referral information?
What happens when a person enters the facility?
What is the intake evaluation process?
What would be the anticipated length of stay?
What are the program expectations for outpatients concerning absences?
What are the program expectations for inpatients concerning visiting hours?
What kind of family involvement is there, e.g., sessions, family groups, contact with staff?
Are there any community support groups in the area?
Is there contact with most previous provider (e.g., community psychiatrist)?
When does planning for discharge start and who is included in the discussion?
Does the agency identify or recommend possible aftercare options?
If someone signs themselves out of the program, who is notified?
What are the cost factors?
How often will we be billed?
What are the terms of payment?
What funding is accepted: Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, self-pay?
Is an agency financial counselor available to explain charges and billing procedures?
Do you advise regarding potential Social Security benefits?
Source: National Education Alliance for BPD