Does BPD = PTSD?

Does BPD = PTSD?

Two authors propose that Borderline Personality Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder may, in fact, be one and the same thing. They argue this might also permit the controversial term Borderline Personality to be dropped from the diagnosis.

Helping Hands

Helping Hands

In addition to psychotherapy, medication and hospitalization another effective tool in the treatment of serious mental illness is peer support.

From Outer Space to Inner Space

From Outer Space to Inner Space

There has been a treasure trove of new expeditions that are exploring the mysteries of our Universe. Expeditions to the planets in our solar system and to the limits of our physical world have been launched or soon will be from nations around our planet.

Coincidentally, tremendous advances have also been made in the exploration of inner space- particularly the human brain…

The Power of Peer Support

The Power of Peer Support

In addition to therapy, medication and hospitalization this research study on peer support shows that sharing “lived” experience with others is a powerful and highly effective tool in the mental health arsenal.

BPD Pioneer Passes

BPD Pioneer Passes

On January 11th, the Borderline Personality Disorder community lost a person who had as much impact on improving the lives of those with BPD as anyone. Dr. John Gunderson, MD, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Director Emeritus of the affiliated McLean Hospital and a pioneer in the diagnosis, treatment, and research of borderline personality disorder (BPD) passed away. How important was John Gunderson and his work regarding BPD? Irreplaceable.