A BPD Therapist Who Has Been There…

A BPD Therapist Who Has Been There…

Sonia Neale recovered from Borderline Personality Disorder and became a mental health therapist. As a licensed Counsellor Psychotherapist at Aveley Counselling Service in Perth, Australia she now treats people who have BPD.

DBT Skills

DBT Skills

Dialectical Behavior Therapy, also known as DBT, combines elements of individual and group therapy along with social skills training to help people with Borderline Personality Disorder better navigate the severe emotion turmoil they frequently experience.

A Roadmap To Recovery

A Roadmap To Recovery

There is a young woman named Lorna who writes an excellent blog, Living Beyond The Borderline that details her everyday experiences coping with BPD.

Stigma & BPD

Stigma & BPD

  It has been said that Borderline Personality Disorder is one of the most stigmatized of all mental health conditions. People with BPD experience strong bias not only in the public arena but among  mental health professionals as well/. In fact, BPD was once referred...


This hashtag, #IAmNotDangerous, is trending on Twitter. It’s both a reference and a rebuke to the current political dialogue in the aftermath of the recent mass shootings in two US cities, Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas.