Who Are You?

Who Are You?

I can still see that imperious insect looking down from its mushroom stool demanding that Alice identify herself while simultaneously spewing out letters formed from exhaled smoke – “W-h-o-o-o R-r-r-r U-u-u-u?”

Check the Facts

Check the Facts

Among the many behaviors associated with Borderline Personality Disorder are emotional dysregulation, negative self-image, impulsivity and ‘splitting’, i.e., someone is either all good or all bad. This combination can lead a person with BPD to easily jump to erroneous…

Brandon Marshall Tackles Stigma

Brandon Marshall Tackles Stigma

10 years ago, professional American football player Brandon Marshall was at the top of his game. But there was a problem, a big problem. Many of the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that made him a success on the NFL battlefield were making his life off the field miserable and destructive.