Adaptation In The Time Of Pandemic

Adaptation In The Time Of Pandemic

The foundational principle of Marsha Linehan’s Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is the willingness to accept the limitations a condition like Borderline Personality Disorder can impose and at the same time commit to making positive behavioral  changes.

The Emotional Cascade In BPD

The Emotional Cascade In BPD

Something happens in your day that triggers a highly emotional reaction. You spend the rest of the day mulling over the event and your response to it. Usually not in a positive “what can I learn from this” way…

DBT Social Skills

DBT Social Skills

The skills include a wide array of actions and attitudes that a person with dysregulated emotions can use to cool down out of control emotions…

Is A New Day Dawning?

Is A New Day Dawning?

American people of color are dying younger and more frequently than white Americans. Black and Hispanic people currently represent nearly two-thirds of US coronavirus deaths among people under 65