by BPD News | May 24, 2022
“We’ve made some progress, on a societal level, toward recognizing and normalizing certain mental health issues, but stigma and misunderstanding around many diagnoses still exist. Most people, for example, have a fairly decent understanding of what anxiety and depression entail. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case for BPD ― and it can lead people to assume the worst.”
by BPD | May 10, 2022
“We need to figure it out,” she said. “Because it’s life or death for these kids.”
by BPD News | Apr 6, 2022
TW: Discussion of Suicide and Self Harm “In people with BPD, self-disgust is typically related to a persistent feeling of being irrevocably bad, repulsive, or flawed. This results in harsh self-criticism, self-hatred, or self-loathing. It can sometimes be...
by BPD News | Mar 15, 2022
This is an interesting one. Travis Langley Ph.D. writes for Psychology Today about his recent experience “breaking down” psychological disorders in superhero characters for a popular Youtube program. He touches on the delicate balance of using fictional...
by BPD News | Feb 1, 2022
BPD is one of the most stigmatized mental health disorders. As a result, some believe those with the disorder are unworthy of being loved. The emotional instability of those with BPD creates a vicious cycle whereby actions to cope with the burden of stigma exacerbate the condition
by BPD News | Nov 11, 2021
Some of borderline personality disorder’s reputation of being difficult to treat comes from the antiquated idea that BPD is intractable and that people with BPD have a character problem that makes them attention-seeking and help-rejecting