Look! Up In The Sky!
A young woman from Aberdeen, Scotland, wanted to show her appreciation for the help she received when she was struggling with Borderline Personality Disorder. So she decided to jump out of an airplane…
A young woman from Aberdeen, Scotland, wanted to show her appreciation for the help she received when she was struggling with Borderline Personality Disorder. So she decided to jump out of an airplane…
The foundational principle of Marsha Linehan’s Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is the willingness to accept the limitations a condition like Borderline Personality Disorder can impose and at the same time commit to making positive behavioral changes.
The emotional strength that plays a large role in overcoming devastating emotional turmoil and trauma…
People with Borderline Personality Disorder are notably deficient in social skills. This makes personal interactions very difficult to navigate on a day to day basis. That’s why Marsha Linehan,PhD, made social skill training an integral part of Dialectical Behavior Therapy…
Handling emotions during a time of extraordinary events can make relationship issues that much more difficult. But there are things you can do that might help…
The very idea as well as the implementation of social distancing can subject people to significant and immobilizing emotional distress, particularly people who are dealing with mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety. but there are ways to find calm in the storm…