May is BPD Awareness Month-7: Free Educational Video

May is BPD Awareness Month-7: Free Educational Video

Throughout the month you can watch the first 30 minute program in the series “If Only We Had Known: A Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder” online at no cost. All you need to do is go to the “Understanding BPD” rental page, on the...
May is BPD Awareness Month – Day 5

May is BPD Awareness Month – Day 5

The five-part video series “If Only We Had Known: A Family Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder” is a comprehensive exploration of BPD and the impact it has on individuals, families and society. The series was funded, in part, by a grant from the U.S National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) explores the nature of BPD,

May is BPD Awareness Month – Day 3

May is BPD Awareness Month – Day 3

Borderline Personality Disorder was first introduced into the Psychiatric literature in the 1930’s. Since that time, people with BPD have been misdiagnosed, maligned, stigmatized, marginalized and frequently avoided by mental health providers as

Loving Kindness, Compassion and BPD

Loving Kindness, Compassion and BPD

Many psychological treatment approaches include elements of the Buddhist practices of Loving-Kindness Meditation (LKM) and Compassion Meditation (CM) in their protocol. Loving-Kindness Meditation aims to develop unconditional kindness to all people. Compassion Mediation involves techniques to cultivate compassion, or deep, genuine sympathy for those stricken by misfortune,

What Makes You Happy?

What Makes You Happy?

The research team use MRI brain scans to monitor activity in the ventral striatum, an area of the brain that is important in the feeling of happiness.

People were asked about their happiness levels before and after the experiment.  Those who had been more generous during the experiment were happier

Can Mindfulness Reduce Self-Harm?

Can Mindfulness Reduce Self-Harm?

Mindfulness is an important component of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), developed by Marsha Linehan for treating people who suffer with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). One component of the DBT Mindfulness skill is teaching people how to accept their...