Odette: Life, Songs and BPD
Inspired, highly personal songs about a young woman navigating the rocky seas of her life. If you are not yet familiar with Odette, you will be.
Inspired, highly personal songs about a young woman navigating the rocky seas of her life. If you are not yet familiar with Odette, you will be.
“We spend so much time thinking about how to remedy negative emotions, but we don’t spend much time thinking about helping people harness and nurture positive emotions…”
Valentine’s Day can be the source of great emotional turmoil and anxiety for many people. Here’s how you can do about that.
Flowers as metaphors are frequently used to help people understand complex ideas. This includes people who are living with Borderline Personality Disorder.
There are many informational resources for people with BPD and for family members who have a loved one with BPD, but there is not as much for friends, despite the critical difference they can make in the lives of people with BPD.
No one is born with BPD. Rather it develops over time, especially in very sensitive people who experience highly invalidating environments in their early years. And that many of the most invalidating moments occur within the dynamic of interpersonal relationships…