The Benefits of Baking

The Benefits of Baking

As one year ends and another arrives, we typically like to re-post a story from our blog Across the Borderline that may relieve a bit of the burden of coping with BPD. This year we came across this piece on the therapeutic benefits of baking, not just for oneself but also for others…

Raising Awareness of BPD to New Heights

Raising Awareness of BPD to New Heights

The past year has brought about many amazing stories about Borderline Personality Disorder: scientific breakthroughs, new insights into the brain, stories of personal courage and how some governments are attempting to address the epidemic of BPD (Hello Australia!) In...
2018 Thanksgiving Part 2: Survival Tips.

2018 Thanksgiving Part 2: Survival Tips.

Thanksgiving is upon us. The time of year when millions of families gather to reconnect, rejoice and reflect. But for some families, especially ones that have a member with borderline personality disorder, it can also be a time of stress…