If You Find Validation Confusing, This May Help
In the early 1980’s Marsha Linehan, PhD, developed a breakthrough treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and other psychological difficulties. She called it Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). A key component in DBT is a set of social skills that...
Emotional Truths of Borderline Personality Disorder
Some of borderline personality disorder’s reputation of being difficult to treat comes from the antiquated idea that BPD is intractable and that people with BPD have a character problem that makes them attention-seeking and help-rejecting
Don’t Reinforce

Dating When You Have Borderline Personality Disorder
“I noticed my symptoms were a lot stronger and more dysfunctional when I was in a relationship,” she says, who was diagnosed in March 2021.
“I get obsessive quite quickly. I’ll constantly want to call or text, and I’ll isolate from other friends – I drop hobbies and dedicate all my time to that person.”