Revenge: Just How Sweet Is It?

Revenge: Just How Sweet Is It?

A recent article written by Caroline Cox that appeared in the NY Times takes a deep dive into one of humankind’s most basic and powerful emotional reactions – revenge. Learn how to avoid the lure of revenge and why you’re better off taking the high road.

Pets & BPD

Pets & BPD

It’s no surprise to hear that having a pet can boost feelings of well-being in Tabby or Fido’s owner. Now there is scientific proof that this also occurs in people who have borderline personality disorder.

DBT for Teens: Reducing Self-Harm & Suicide Attempts

DBT for Teens: Reducing Self-Harm & Suicide Attempts

The rising toll of self-harm and suicide attempts by teenagers in the U.S. is justifiably alarming. Help in addressing this crisis may be coming from a tried and true therapy that is widely available: Dialectical Behavior Therapy, or DBT.

Ruminating: It Is Not Your (de)Fault

Ruminating: It Is Not Your (de)Fault

You know that moment when you are just falling asleep and an unpleasant thought pops into your head? It might be about a conversation you had with someone during the day that felt a bit awkward. You start to mull it over. “Why did I say that?” Or worse, “Why did they say that?” Suddenly your state of mind races from All Quiet on the Western Front to Armageddon.

The Global Tragedy That is Suicide

The Global Tragedy That is Suicide

It was an emotional week for many people. The death by suicide of Kate Spade, the highly regarded international fashion designer, was followed only days later by the similar death of acclaimed writer, TV documentarian and beloved food guru Anthony Bourdain.

Breaking the Rumination Cycle

Breaking the Rumination Cycle

Many people who have Borderline Personality Disorder report that they typically will excessively ruminate over a negative experience they have gone through. The continual revisiting of the event and possible consequences can become obsessive. The difficulty is that they never seem to come to terms with the event and are unable to move on; they feel trapped in the constant recycling of the

Free BPD Video for Awareness Month

Free BPD Video for Awareness Month

Throughout the month we have offered people a free screening online of our 30 minute program “Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder from the 5 part series “If Only We Had Known: A Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder”

Finding Help

Finding Help

Since the 1980’s a number of treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder have been developed, tested and shown to be effective in reducing many of the symptoms and behaviors associated with BPD.

How Many People With BPD Recover?

How Many People With BPD Recover?

For many years after borderline personality disorder was first defined in 1938, the conventional wisdom among mental health providers was that BPD was a permanent condition. The poor response by patients to existing psychotherapies and medications created a belief that the disorder was incurable.

Digital Help for People in Distress

Digital Help for People in Distress

How do you react when you read posts online from a person expressing thoughts of despair, self-harm and/or suicide? Not sure how you could or should respond in a helpful way? Did you know that the major social media platforms including FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram,...