Is It HSP or BPD?

Is It HSP or BPD?

What are the differences between being a Highly Sensitive Person and having Borderline Personality Disorder. While there are many similarities between the two, they are not the same. Licensed Mental Health Counselor Christine Hammond explains. 6 Oct...
Exploring Space: Outer and Inner

Exploring Space: Outer and Inner

In 1997 the spacecraft Cassini was launched by NASA from the United States. Cassini’s mission was to travel to Saturn and record as much information as possible about that distant planet. The campaign to explore the vast outer solar system was underway. Seven years...
Man with BPD Uses Photography as Therapy

Man with BPD Uses Photography as Therapy

Many people who have a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder are highly creative. One man- Paul Feeley- lives in Prestwich, UK, and uses photography as a form of therapy. You can read about Paul and see some examples of his work.   Signup for BPD Updates...
BPD Treatment: Hard to Find?

BPD Treatment: Hard to Find?

It is not an simple task for a person or a family to get an accurate diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder. The range of co-existing disorders in BPD – depression, anxiety, impulsivity and others, can often lead to a missed diagnosis of the underlying disorder...
Treating BPD: Do It Yourself?

Treating BPD: Do It Yourself?

There is an inverse relationship between the number of people who are living with mental illness and the availability of resources with which to treat them. In other words, as more people need support for mental illness, there is insufficient help available to them-...
Why Do They Do That? Could Be BPD.

Why Do They Do That? Could Be BPD.

 Is there a person in your life who‘s behavior is baffling? Are that person’s emotions volatile and unpredictable? Do they do things impulsively, flit from one bad relationship to another or have problems with alcohol or drugs? Do they get depressed or anxious? Do...
Study: DBT Interventions Effective at Reducing Suicide Attempts

Study: DBT Interventions Effective at Reducing Suicide Attempts

Three variations of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)  helped reduce suicide attempts and non-suicidal self-injury acts in a randomized clinical trial of women with borderline personality disorder who were highly suicidal, according to an article published online by...
NEABPD-Yale Conference on Borderline Personality Disorder

NEABPD-Yale Conference on Borderline Personality Disorder

On Friday, May 5, 2017 the National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder (NEABPD) and the Yale-New Haven Psychiatric Hospital will be hosting their 13th annual conference: Prevention and Early Intervention for Borderline Personality Disorder The...