by Kevin Dawkins | Jul 6, 2015
Today, July 6th, is the opening day of the 2015 National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) National Convention in San Francisco, California. At 11 AM (PST) Dr. Marsha Linehan will be giving a keynote presentation on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and the...
by BPD News | Jul 2, 2015
In his New York Times Opinionator blog, No Longer Wanting to Die, Will Lippencott discusses his introduction to Dialectical Behavior Therapy at the Menninger Clinic and gives a insightful look at how DBT helped him transition from a person who “felt that suicide was a...
by Kevin Dawkins | Jul 1, 2015
Well its not on purpose, that’s for sure. People with BPD experience and also display emotions more intensely than most other people do. Why is that? This has to do with two areas of the brain that are involved in emotion processing. The limbic system, located deep in...
by Kevin Dawkins | Jun 15, 2015
Technology has become a valuable resource for individuals and for families looking for help coping with borderline personality disorder. One of the pioneers in the use of technology is Amanda Smith, a licensed Social Worker who has also been a BPD advocacy for several...
by Kevin Dawkins | Jun 7, 2015
The big question: BPD… What is That? This is the first blog to appear in this expanded version of As many, if not all, blog writers lament when faced with a blank page: “Where do I start?” Well, after much consideration, we thought it would be most...